NeolSyM is a pharmaceutical plant located in the Metropolitan Area of Mexico, in the municipality of Ecatepec, State of Mexico.
SAs one of the few plants of pharmaceutical chemicals in the country, ours is a multipurpose facility with more than 17 years of experience in the manufacture of pharmaceutical chemicals through organic synthesis, including the following types of processes:
All products manufactured an raw materials used in this plant comply with Good Manufacturing Practices. The quality assurance and quality control are make sure that our products fully comply with national regulation.
Stainless steel reactors, glaze steel reactors, glass capacitors, stainless steel capacitors, stage washers, centrifuges, press filters, solid-liquid extractors, solvent recovery, distillation units and automatic blanketing systems are all installed in a manufacturing area comprised of eight production buildings.
We have solids warehouses, 4 tank-storage dikes, drum storage cells and bromine storage tanks with semiautomatic trasfer system.
The production capacity of NeolSyM makes it a multipurpose plant with great flexibility due to the availability of equipment for the manufacture of substances ranging from kilograms to tons, depending on the API in question.
Additionally, as part of NeolSyM´s policy and in an effort to preserve and protect the environment, we are working on incorporating green chemistry, into our process, through the use of sustainable substances and reagents.
Actualmente contamos con la producción de los siguientes API’s:
Coupled with these APIs, our current efforts are focused on the development of Celecoxib and Magnesium Valproate, However, and aware of pur customers´ needs, we have designed our facilities and have industry-leading, highly specialized staff, with more than 17 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and chemical field, for the research, analysis and development of the APIs that our customers request.